Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We've got answers! Here are five questions we are asked frequently.

You’re not alone! This is probably the most commonly asked plumbing question. In most cases your toilet is running because the flapper is not making a proper seal around the flush valve.

Depending on the age and type of your hot water heater there are a couple of reasons you may be running out of hot water so quickly.

  • Electric water heaters commonly have 2 elements that heat the water.  The top element and the lower element.  Chances are if you are running out of hot water quickly the lower element is not working and only the top portion of the tank is being heated.  If the top element stops working, then neither will heat and you will have no hot water.
  • If you have a gas hot water tank the most common reason for running out of hot water is the dip tube.  The dip tube is a piece of pipe that directs the cold water to the bottom of the tank to get heated. Over time this dip tube can get shorter causing the cold water to mix with the hot causing temped water.
  • Age
  • A crack in the tank or bowl
  • It leaks
  • The dreaded never ending flush
  • Frequent clogs
  • The no flush toilet
  • The water level is low
  • It lists more than the titanic while sitting on it

Drain gurgling can happen for several reasons. It can either be from a partially clogged drain or the drain not being properly vented. A vent is used to prevent a vacuum from occurring when a fixture is full of water. If the drain isn’t properly venting, air will fill the vacuum created by the water and cause the gurgling sound, which is the sound of air rushing past the fixture’s trap.

The price of some materials have indeed increased due to supply shortages caused by the pandemic. We always work with reputable supplies to ensure we find materials at the best possible rate for your project.

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